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International Operations and Missions

On 14 May 1997, Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF) members were deployed to a crisis response operation for the first time: the humanitarian operation Alba in Albania. Between then and the end of 2018, the SAF deployed some 13,000 members to 25 different international operations and missions. With international deployments of more than 5% of the SAF's active component members, we rank among the allies bearing an above-average operational burden. In February 2007, the Slovenian Armed Forces deployed a battalion-sized unit to an international operation for the first time in its history. The unit assumed its own area of responsibility and was in command of members of a foreign armed force, a member of NATO.


Participation of Slovenian Armed Forces members in international operations and missions in 2024

International operation/mission – No of Slovenian Armed Forces members 25 September 2024
Bosnia and Herzegovina - JOINT ENTERPRISE, NATO 5  
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Althea 22  
Iraq, USA - OIR 2+0 (Tampa)  
Kosovo - KFOR, NATO 102  
Kosovo - UNMIK 1  
Latvia - Multinational Battlegroup 35  
Germany - EUMAM UA/JFAC up to 30  
Slovakia - Multinational Battlegroup 102  
Mediterranean Sea, Italy - EUNAVFOR 3  
Mediterranean Sea, Greece - ASPIDES 1  
Mediterranean Sea, Great Britain 1  
Syria, Israel, Lebanon - UNTSO 2  
Total 307  

From the security, foreign policy, economic and other aspects, the area of the Western Balkans is of strategic importance to us. The focus of the Slovenian Armed Forces' international operational activities therefore remains in this region, where the processes related to stabilization, reform and Euro-Atlantic integration have not yet been completed. The Slovenian KFOR contingent in Kosovo supports international security efforts and the development of Kosovo's security institutions. We are actively involved in operation EUFOR Althea in Bosnia and Herzegovina, whose basic mission is to support their authorities and institutions in maintaining a safe and stable environment. We actively participate in the work of NATO Headquarters Sarajevo and in the NATO Liaison Office in Belgrade, through which we provide support to host countries in the implementation of defence and security reforms and approximation to or cooperation with Euro-Atlantic structures.

By participating in multinational battlegroups in Latvia and Slovakia, the Slovenian Armed Forces are contributing to NATO’s deterrence and defence posture as its joint response to the changed security environment on the eastern flank. These measures increase preparedness, deter aggression and clearly demonstrate NATO's firm commitment to the defence of all allies. 

Our contingents deployed to Latvia are working closely with Montenegro and North Macedonia, integrating their units into the Slovenian contingents, which strengthens Slovenia's mentoring role in international operations and missions.  

In May 2023, following a government decision, the Slovenian Armed Forces joined the EU Military Assistance Mission in support of Ukraine, which aims to train members of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, thereby increasing their capacity and resilience.

Recognizing the global security challenges and the importance of joint action and solidarity in addressing them, we are participating in the fight against Daesh/ISIL within Operation Inherent Resolve. We actively participate in the EUNAVFOR Irini and Aspides, which is an important part of the European Union's comprehensive approach to tackling refugee and migrant issues and a contribution to the protection of freedom of navigation and maritime safety in the Mediterranean. We are also participating in the NATO naval operation in the Aegean with similar objectives.

Given the complexity, interconnectedness, and long-term nature of security and other challenges in the Middle East, we maintain continuity in our participation in the UNTSO mission.

Slovenian Armed Forces units also form a part of the NATO Response Force (NRF) and European Union Battlegroups (EUBG), which are capable of carrying out the full range of crisis response tasks and whose role is gaining strength in the changed security environment. By participating in these multinational structures, the Slovenian Armed Forces improves its interoperability with Allied armed forces, its responsiveness and the ability to work together under various crisis response scenarios, including collective defence activities.

For the Republic of Slovenia, which does not own adequate aviation capabilities, the North Atlantic Alliance is conducting a peacetime mission to protect Slovenian airspace (NATO Air Policing). For the implementation of this mission, the Republic of Slovenia provides air traffic control and search and rescue capabilities while maintaining full sovereignty in its airspace. With the exception of its costs for air traffic control and the provision of readiness of the permanent helicopter search and rescue service, the Republic of Slovenia has no additional financial obligations within this mission.

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